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In this section our website you will find articles for aesthetes of the world of beauty - design and art.

Welcome to our website! The site has been around since 2006, and numerous enthusiasts have contributed to its creation and content to provide you with engaging film reviews, interesting articles on interior styles and design, as well as captivating stories about paintings, artists, museums, and unusual travel destinations.

Our film reviews offer a deep and comprehensive analysis of individual movies. We not only consider the plot and acting but also cinematography, musical accompaniment, and the overall atmosphere of the film. Whether it's new releases or classics, we strive to give you a complete understanding of the movie.

Our articles on interior styles and design will help you bring your boldest ideas for your home to life. We share tips on furniture selection, color schemes, lighting, and accessories to create a harmonious and cozy environment. You will learn about different interior styles, their characteristics, and the elements that will help you embody your chosen style.

Not only films and design, but we also delve into paintings and artists who inspire the world of art. We offer interesting stories about famous artworks and talented artists. Additionally, we explore the world of museums and provide detailed descriptions of the most astonishing and unusual travel destinations where you can enjoy beautiful works of art.

What is "green building"?

According to statistics, modern buildings today consume approximately 40% of primary energy, 40% of raw materials, 67% of electricity and almost 15% of the world's drinking water reserves. At the same time, they contribute more than 35% of carbon dioxide emissions from the entire globe to the environment, as well as 50% of all solid waste from the urban system. As a result, after analyzing the above data, engineers and architects set themselves the task of improving the technology of the construction of buildings and structures, thanks to which the so-called "green construction" arose.

This technology is designed to solve a number of problems, among which can be identified such as reducing the negative impact on the environment and the person himself of various aspects of construction activities, the maximum possible reduction in electricity consumption and load on the power grid, reducing the complex of costs for the construction and maintenance of new buildings, as well as the development and introduction of new technologies, plus the creation of innovative industrial products.

"Green construction" is developing quite actively and is being introduced into the global construction industry, when most of the developed countries of the world are striving to erect eco-friendly buildings, private houses and possibly even skyscrapers. The very definition of "green building" implies a whole system of certain innovative principles that are necessary for the construction and subsequent operation of buildings. This is not just a developed type of structures or the use of special technologies and architectural techniques in the construction of a building.

The basic principles of such construction should include economy and energy efficiency, environmental friendliness and comfort. The first principle implies the rational use of the planet's resources: land, building materials or energy. Environmental friendliness is necessary to ensure an insignificant level of influence of buildings on the environment and human life and health. The latter principle assumes the formation of the necessary level of comfort for the person who will work in this building or live in it.

Moreover, any "green building" should remain so throughout its operation, and not only at the initial stages of its use. It should be energy efficient and safe from the point of view of environmental friendliness, starting from the moment of design, construction and ending with the time of its demolition.

In conclusion, it is necessary to focus on the difference between the concepts of "green construction" and "natural construction", since the latter is often referred to as "green". The main difference is with the use of natural materials. So "green construction" does not involve the use of exclusively natural building materials. Innovative technological developments are often used here, which are designed to minimize energy costs and reduce the negative consequences of building construction and operation for the environment and human health.

От: OldZem (advego) © wm-painting.ru (transl),  

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